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← 1.6.1 ZNC 1.6.2 1.6.3 →


  • Fixed a crash by a use-after-delete in webadmin which users could abuse. It was already partially fixed in ZNC 1.4; since 1.4 it has been still possible to trigger, but much harder. (#528)
  • Fixed a startup failure when awaynick and simple_away were both loaded, and simple_away had arguments. (#954)
  • Fixed a build failure when using an ancient OpenSSL version.
  • Fixed a build failure when using OpenSSL which was built without SSLv3 support. (#1146)
  • Bindhost was sometimes used as ident.
  • CAP :END wasn't parsed correctly, causing timeout during login for some clients. (#1013)
  • Fixed channel keys if client joined several channels in single command. (#1008)
  • Fixed memory leak when reading an invalid config.



  • Fixed the nick passed to CModule::OnChanMsg() so it has channel permissions set. (#124)
  • Fixed noisy -Winconsistent-missing-override compilation warnings.
  • Initialized some fields in constructors of modules before OnLoad().


  • Various modules had commands with empty descriptions.
  • perform:
    • Say "number" instead of "nr".
  • route_replies:
    • Make the timeout error message more clear.