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Whois/code: Difference between revisions

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Replaced with fixed code that compiles and runs in ZNC 0.202
m Added github link.
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 2: Line 2:

This version is confirmed to work on ZNC 0.202.  It is not confirmed to work on older versions of ZNC, but it should be able to run on any relatively recent ZNC release.
This version is confirmed to work on ZNC 0.202.  It is not confirmed to work on older versions of ZNC, but it should be able to run on any relatively recent ZNC release.
This code is also available on [ GitHub].

Line 8: Line 10:
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
  * by the Free Software Foundation.
  * by the Free Software Foundation.  
* I've aligned the version number with the version of ZNC it was last fixed
* to work with. If any other changes are made, update the version number to
* reflect it, please. This makes things easier for me; If someone else wants
* to take over maintenance, you're welcome to do so.
* -Efreak

Line 182: Line 190:

GLOBALMODULEDEFS(CWhois, "Whois BNC users, with extra info for admin. Version 2.0.")
GLOBALMODULEDEFS(CWhois, "Whois BNC users, with extra info for admin. Version 0.202")

Latest revision as of 18:52, 31 August 2012

This is a stable (as far as I know) version of the whois module.

This version is confirmed to work on ZNC 0.202. It is not confirmed to work on older versions of ZNC, but it should be able to run on any relatively recent ZNC release.

This code is also available on GitHub.

 * Copyright (C) 2010 Efreak.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation. 
 * I've aligned the version number with the version of ZNC it was last fixed
 * to work with. If any other changes are made, update the version number to
 * reflect it, please. This makes things easier for me; If someone else wants
 * to take over maintenance, you're welcome to do so.
 * -Efreak

#include "User.h"
#include "IRCSock.h"
#include "znc.h"

class CWhois : public CGlobalModule {
		m_bDev = false;
		m_bReqAdmin = false;
		m_bNumerics = true;
		m_bServerName = false;
		m_sServerName = "";

	virtual ~CWhois() {}

	virtual bool OnLoad(const CString& sArgsStr, CString& sMessage) {
		CString sArgs(sArgsStr);

		while (sArgs.Left(1) == "-") {
			CString sOpt = sArgs.Token(0);
			sArgs = sArgs.Token(1, true);

			if (sOpt.Equals("-REQADMIN")) {
			} else if (sOpt.Equals("-NONUMERICS")) {
			} else if (sOpt.Equals("-DEV")) {
			} else if (sOpt.Left(12).Equals("-SERVERNAME=")) {
			} else {
				sMessage="Invalid Paramter specified: "+sOpt+". Valid parameters are: -reqadmin, -nonumerics, -dev, -servername=<name>";
				return false;
		return true;

	virtual EModRet OnUserRaw(CString& sLine) {
		if(sLine.Token(0).Equals("WHOIS")) {
			CString sNick = sLine.Token(1);
			if(sNick.Left(1)=="?") {
				sNick = sNick.LeftChomp_n(1);
				if (!m_pUser->IsAdmin() && m_bReqAdmin)
					PutModule("Access denied");
				else if(ZNCWhois(sNick)) return HALT;
		} else if(sLine.Token(0).Equals("AWAY")) {
			CString sReason = sLine.Token(1, true);
			if(sReason.Left(1)==":") {
				sReason = sReason.LeftChomp_n(1);
		return CONTINUE;


	virtual void OnModCommand(const CString& sCommand) {
		CString sCmd = sCommand.Token(0);

		if (!m_pUser->IsAdmin()) {
			PutModule("Access denied");
		PutModule("There are no commands yet");

	bool	m_bDev;
	bool	m_bReqAdmin;
	bool	m_bNumerics;
	bool	m_bServerName;
	CString	m_sServerName;

	bool ZNCWhois(CString& sUser) {
		CUser *pUser = CZNC::Get().FindUser(sUser);
		if(!pUser) {
			PutModule("No such user!");
			return false;

		CString Username = pUser->GetUserName();
		CString Nickname = pUser->GetNick();
		CString Ident = pUser->GetIdent();
		CString Server = (!m_pUser->IsAdmin() && m_bServerName ? m_sServerName : pUser->GetIRCServer());	//if whoiser isnt an admin, and the servername is defined, use it. otherwise grab the real server name.
		CString VHost = pUser->GetBindHost();
		CString RealName = pUser->GetRealName();
		CString MyNick = m_pUser->GetNick();
		bool Attached = pUser->IsUserAttached();
		if(VHost=="") VHost = (m_bServerName ? m_sServerName : "");
		int SSL = 0; int total=0;
		CString LastSeen = CString(time(NULL) - GetNV("LastSeen"+Username).ToInt());
		CString Logon = CString(time(NULL) - GetNV("LastSeen"+Username).ToInt());
		CString IP;
		bool Away = pUser->IsIRCAway();
		CString sAwayMsg = GetNV("Away"+pUser->GetUserName());
		if(sAwayMsg != "") sAwayMsg = ": "+sAwayMsg;

		vector<CClient*>& vClients = pUser->GetClients();
		if (!vClients.empty()) {
			 for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vClients.size(); a++) {
				if(vClients[a]->GetSSL()) SSL++;
		if (!vClients.empty()) {
			for (unsigned int a = 0; a < vClients.size(); a++) {
			        IP = IP + vClients[a]->GetRemoteIP() + " ";
		CString rpl378 = " 378 " + MyNick + " ?" + Username + " :is connecting from *@";
		CString rpl311 = " 311 " + MyNick + " ?" + Username + " " + Ident + " " + VHost + " " + " * :" + RealName;
		CString rpl379 = " 379 " + MyNick + " ?" + Username + " :is using modes" +
			(pUser->IsUserAttached() ? " +Attached" : " -Attached") + (pUser->IsIRCConnected() ? " +IRCConnected" : " -IRCConnected") + 
			(pUser->DenyLoadMod() ? " +DenyLoadMod" : " -DenyLoadMod") + (pUser->MultiClients() ? " +MultiClients" : " -MultiClients") + 
			(pUser->KeepBuffer() ? " +KeepBuffer" : " -KeepBuffer") + (!pUser->HasServers() ? " -HasServers":"") + 
			(!pUser->GetIRCConnectEnabled() ? " -IRCConnectEnabled":""); 
		CString rpl671;
		if(SSL==1 && total==1) rpl671 = " 671 " + MyNick + " ?" + Username + " :is using a Secure Connection";
			else rpl671 = " 671 " + MyNick + " ?" + Username + " :is using " + (CString)SSL + " Secure Connections out of " + (CString)total + " total connections";
		CString rpl312 = " 312 " + MyNick + " ?" + Username + " " + Server + " :" + Username + " is" + (Attached ? " " : " \x02not\x02 ") +
			"attached to " + (m_bServerName ? m_sServerName : "ZNC");
		CString rpl301 = " 301 " + MyNick + " ?" + Username + " :?" + Username + " is away";
		CString rpl313 = " 313 " + MyNick + " ?" + Username + " :is a ZNC Admin";
		CString rpl317 = " 317 " + MyNick + " ?" + Username + " " + LastSeen + " " + Logon + " :seconds idle, signon time";
		CString rpl318 = " 318 " + MyNick + " ?" + Username + " :End of /WHOIS list";

		if(m_bDev || !m_bNumerics) {
			if(m_pUser->IsAdmin()) PutModule(rpl379);
			if(m_pUser->IsAdmin()) PutModule(rpl378);
			if(SSL>0) PutModule(rpl671);
			if(pUser->IsAdmin()) PutModule(rpl313);
		} if (m_bNumerics) {					//not an else because of m_bDev
			PutUser(rpl311);					//rpl_whoisuser. Since we're on a bouncer, use ?Username!ident@VHost instead of nick@ident@host
			if(m_pUser->IsAdmin()) PutUser(rpl379);			//rpl_whoismodes. tell admins what options said user has (candcc, etc)
			if(m_pUser->IsAdmin()) PutUser(rpl378);			//rpl_whoishost. tell admins what host said user has
			if(SSL>0) PutUser(rpl671);				//rpl_ssl (?). is the user connected to ZNC via ssl?
			if(Away)PutUser(rpl301);					//rpl_away. is said user away?
			PutUser(rpl312);					//rpl_whoisserver. give the server the user is connected to. we don't know how to get the tagline, so lets just say we're connected via znc.
			if(pUser->IsAdmin()) PutUser(rpl313);			//rpl_whoisoperator. Is the user an admin on znc?
			PutUser(rpl317);					//rpl_whoisidle. tells the client the amount of time user has been idle, as well as the amt of time the client has been connected
			PutUser(rpl318);					//rpl_endofwhois. tells the client the whois data is done (why?)
		return true;

	virtual EModRet OnUserCTCP   (CString &sTarget,  CString &sMessage){ if(sTarget!=m_pUser->GetNick()) { SetNV("LastSeen"+m_pUser->GetUserName(),CString(time(NULL)));} return CONTINUE;}
	virtual EModRet OnUserAction (CString &sTarget,  CString &sMessage){ if(sTarget!=m_pUser->GetNick()) { SetNV("LastSeen"+m_pUser->GetUserName(),CString(time(NULL)));} return CONTINUE;}
	virtual EModRet OnUserMsg    (CString &sTarget,  CString &sMessage){ if(sTarget!=m_pUser->GetNick()) { SetNV("LastSeen"+m_pUser->GetUserName(),CString(time(NULL)));} return CONTINUE;}
	virtual EModRet OnUserNotice (CString &sTarget,  CString &sMessage){ if(sTarget!=m_pUser->GetNick()) { SetNV("LastSeen"+m_pUser->GetUserName(),CString(time(NULL)));} return CONTINUE;}
	virtual EModRet OnUserJoin   (CString &sChannel, CString &sKey)    { SetNV("LastSeen"+m_pUser->GetUserName(),CString(time(NULL))); return CONTINUE;}
	virtual EModRet OnUserPart   (CString &sChannel, CString &sMessage){ SetNV("LastSeen"+m_pUser->GetUserName(),CString(time(NULL))); return CONTINUE;}
	virtual EModRet OnUserTopic  (CString &sChannel, CString &sTopic)  { SetNV("LastSeen"+m_pUser->GetUserName(),CString(time(NULL))); return CONTINUE;}
	virtual void OnClientLogin      () {SetNV("Login"+m_pUser->GetUserName(),CString(time(NULL)));}
	virtual void OnClientDisconnect () {SetNV("Login"+m_pUser->GetUserName(),CString(time(NULL)));}

	virtual EModRet OnAddUser(CUser& User, CString& sErrorRet) {
		SetNV( "Login" + User.GetUserName(),CString(time(NULL)));
		return CONTINUE;


GLOBALMODULEDEFS(CWhois, "Whois BNC users, with extra info for admin. Version 0.202")