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PING Unconditionally returns PONG. Exists primarily for testing things, or may be used to probe for API availability without making any calls.
HELP Returns informational text about the API's self-documentation.
COMMANDS Returns a list of available commands.
QUERYSCOPES Returns a list of available QUERY scopes. See below.
QUERY <scope> <property> Used to query information. See below.

QUERY command

The QUERY command is organized into scopes. The scope specifies where to query for the information. Here are the available scopes:

ZNC Static, ZNC-wide readonly information about the ZNC binary.
USER Information about the currently authenticated user.

TODO document parameters


Scalar types are returned preceded by the string VALUE, or NULL if the result was empty.

Lists of scalar types are returned one element per IRC message, preceded by the string LIST and ended by the string LISTEND. Queries that return lists will never return NULL, but they may return lists with zero elements.

Lists of n-tuples are returned one tuple element per IRC message and in order, preceded by the string TUPLELIST <n> and ended by the string TUPLELISTEND where <n> is the arity of the tuples in the list.

For example, here is a list of the numbers 1, 2, and 3:


And here is a list of the 2-tuples (A, 1), (B, 2), and (C, 3):



Each error consists of a general code followed by a space and a more specific, human-readable string. Here are all the general error codes you may encounter and what they mean:

EINVAL Invalid command or argument
ENOSYS Function not implemented
EACCES Permission denied

Here's an example of an error returned after trying to QUERY a property that doesn't exist in the USER scope:

EINVAL Unknown query in scope USER

Here EINVAL is the general code and Unknown query in scope USER is the human-readable-string. Both elements of these errors will be kept stable over time.

These general error codes may be used in existing APIs in the future:

EIDRM This functionality was previously available, but has been removed
ENOTSUP The operation is not supported, perhaps because of missing libraries