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Using commands/id

From ZNC
Revision as of 00:56, 6 October 2014 by >FreeBNC (Created page with "{{Languages}} === Perintah === Perintah diberikan kepada ZNC dengan pesan yang pengguna kepada virtual *status. Demikian juga, modul dikomunikasikan oleh pesan *modname...")
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Perintah diberikan kepada ZNC dengan pesan yang pengguna kepada virtual *status. Demikian juga, modul dikomunikasikan oleh pesan *modname juga.

Atau Anda dapat menggunakan /znc command atau /msg *status command dan /znc *module command dan juga /msg *module command

Contoh: /msg *status listmods

<prozac> listmods
<*status> +---------+------------------------------------------------------+
<*status> | Name    | Description                                          |
<*status> +---------+------------------------------------------------------+
<*status> | email   | Monitors Email activity on local disk /var/mail/user |
<*status> | shell   | Gives shell access.                                  |
<*status> | schat   | Secure cross platform (:P) chat system               |
<*status> +---------+------------------------------------------------------+

Awalan untuk para pengguna virtual dapat berubah dari * pada file znc.conf. Ini lebih baik untuk menggunakan karakter yang ilegal untuk digunakan pada IRC sehingga Anda tidak kehilangan kemampuan untuk memperlihatkan dengan seseorang yang nyata yang kebetulan menggunakan awalan yang sama pada nick mereka di IRC.

Daftar Perintah

<zncuser> help
<*status> In the following list all occurrences of <#chan> support wildcards (* and ?)
<*status> (Except ListNicks)
<*status> +------------------------+---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
<*status> | Command                | Arguments                             | Description                                                                      |
<*status> +------------------------+---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
<*status> | Version                |                                       | Print which version of ZNC this is                                               |
<*status> | ListMods               |                                       | List all loaded modules                                                          |
<*status> | ListAvailMods          |                                       | List all available modules                                                       |
<*status> | ListNicks              | <#chan>                               | List all nicks on a channel                                                      |
<*status> | ListServers            |                                       | List all servers of current IRC network                                          |
<*status> | AddNetwork             | <name>                                | Add a network to your user                                                       |
<*status> | DelNetwork             | <name>                                | Delete a network from your user                                                  |
<*status> | ListNetworks           |                                       | List all networks                                                                |
<*status> | MoveNetwork            | old-user old-net new-user [new-net]   | Move an IRC network from one user to another                                     |
<*status> | JumpNetwork            | <network>                             | Jump to another network                                                          |
<*status> | AddServer              | <host> [[+]port] [pass]               | Add a server to the list of alternate/backup servers of current IRC network.     |
<*status> | DelServer              | <host> [port] [pass]                  | Remove a server from the list of alternate/backup servers of current IRC network |
<*status> | Enablechan             | <#chan>                               | Enable the channel                                                               |
<*status> | Disablechan            | <#chan>                               | Disable the channel                                                              |
<*status> | Detach                 | <#chan>                               | Detach from the channel                                                          |
<*status> | Topics                 |                                       | Show topics in all your channels                                                 |
<*status> | PlayBuffer             | <#chan>                               | Play back the buffer for a given channel                                         |
<*status> | ClearBuffer            | <#chan>                               | Clear the buffer for a given channel                                             |
<*status> | ClearAllChannelBuffers |                                       | Clear the channel buffers                                                        |
<*status> | SetBuffer              | <#chan> [linecount]                   | Set the buffer count for a channel                                               |
<*status> | AddBindHost            | <host (IP preferred)>                 | Adds a bind host for normal users to use                                         |
<*status> | DelBindHost            | <host>                                | Removes a bind host from the list                                                |
<*status> | ListBindHosts          |                                       | Shows the configured list of bind hosts                                          |
<*status> | SetBindHost            | <host (IP preferred)>                 | Set the bind host for this connection                                            |
<*status> | SetUserBindHost        | <host (IP preferred)>                 | Set the default bind host for this user                                          |
<*status> | ClearBindHost          |                                       | Clear the bind host for this connection                                          |
<*status> | ClearUserBindHost      |                                       | Clear the default bind host for this user                                        |
<*status> | ShowBindHost           |                                       | Show currently selected bind host                                                |
<*status> | Jump [server]          |                                       | Jump to the next or the specified server                                         |
<*status> | Disconnect             | [message]                             | Disconnect from IRC                                                              |
<*status> | Connect                |                                       | Reconnect to IRC                                                                 |
<*status> | Uptime                 |                                       | Show for how long ZNC has been running                                           |
<*status> | LoadMod                | [--type=global|user|network] <module> | Load a module                                                                    |
<*status> | UnloadMod              | [--type=global|user|network] <module> | Unload a module                                                                  |
<*status> | ReloadMod              | [--type=global|user|network] <module> | Reload a module                                                                  |
<*status> | UpdateMod              | <module>                              | Reload a module everywhere                                                       |
<*status> | ShowMOTD               |                                       | Show ZNC's message of the day                                                    |
<*status> | SetMOTD                | <Message>                             | Set ZNC's message of the day                                                     |
<*status> | AddMOTD                | <Message>                             | Append <Message> to ZNC's MOTD                                                   |
<*status> | ClearMOTD              |                                       | Clear ZNC's MOTD                                                                 |
<*status> | ListPorts              |                                       | Show all active listeners                                                        |
<*status> | AddPort                | <arguments>                           | Add another port for ZNC to listen on                                            |
<*status> | DelPort                | <arguments>                           | Remove a port from ZNC                                                           |
<*status> | Rehash                 |                                       | Reload znc.conf from disk                                                        |
<*status> | SaveConfig             |                                       | Save the current settings to disk                                                |
<*status> | ListUsers              |                                       | List all ZNC users and their connection status                                   |
<*status> | ListAllUserNetworks    |                                       | List all ZNC users and their networks                                            |
<*status> | ListChans              | [User <network>]                      | List all channels                                                                |
<*status> | ListClients            | [User]                                | List all connected clients                                                       |
<*status> | Traffic                |                                       | Show basic traffic stats for all ZNC users                                       |
<*status> | Broadcast              | [message]                             | Broadcast a message to all ZNC users                                             |
<*status> | Shutdown               | [message]                             | Shut down ZNC completely                                                         |
<*status> | Restart                | [message]                             | Restart ZNC                                                                      |
<*status> +------------------------+---------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+