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Revision as of 04:31, 17 June 2013 by >Paccer
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This module lets users use their own SSL certificate to connect to a server, such as CertFP.

You will have to generate a SSL certificate to use with this module and either place it at `~/.znc/users/<user>/moddata/cert/user.pem` or use the web admin to upload the certificate.


This test module takes no arguments.

Read loading modules to learn more about loading modules.


| Command | Arguments | Description                    |
| Help    |           | Generate this output           |
| delete  |           | Delete the current certificate |
| info    |           |                                |

Generating a certificate

You can use the following openssl commands to generate a certificate

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout znc.key -x509 -days 365 -out znc.crt
cat znc.crt znc.key > znc.pem

This command would produce a 2048-bit certificate which would expire in 356 days. You can modify the arguments to openssl to change this. znc.pem is the certificate you will need to add to ZNC.