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Stores CTCP Replies and compares them with older ones for recognizing Users on IRC


Just do an CTCP VERSION request on other Users, *version will add an notice if the reply is know from formerly requests.

Coded by User:Nero. Feel free to contact me.


  • get <name>

Gets the stored Version of an user (Case insensitive)

  • del <name>

Deletes above

  • clear

Deletes all

  • list <search term>

Searches for substring in List or Lists all


[18:45:04] >draggy< CTCP VERSION
[18:45:05] <*version> (notice) VERSION: fsb wee
[18:45:05] <draggy> (notice) VERSION irssi v0.8.15


 * Fuck that Copyright shit. Here is your Code. Do what you want.
 * Made by Nero

#include "User.h"
#include "Nick.h"

class CVersion : public CModule

	virtual ~CVersion()

	virtual EModRet OnCTCPReply(CNick& Nick, CString& sMessage) {
		if (sMessage.Equals("VERSION", false, 7)) {
			CString sNicks = "";
			for (MCString::iterator it = BeginNV(); it != EndNV(); ++it) {
				if ((it->second).AsLower() == sMessage.AsLower() && it->first != Nick.GetNick().AsLower()) 
				sNicks = sNicks + it->first + " ";
			if (sNicks.size()>2) {
				PutModNotice("VERSION: " + sNicks);
		return CONTINUE;

	virtual EModRet OnStatusCommand(CString& sCommand) {
		CString sCmdName = sCommand.Token(0).AsLower();
		if (sCmdName == "rdata") { // If other Modueles are requesting a VERSION string
			CString sName = sCommand.Token(1).AsLower();
			sCommand = GetNV(sName);
			return HALT;
		return CONTINUE;

	virtual void OnModCommand(const CString& sCommand) {
		CString sCmdName = sCommand.Token(0).AsLower();
		CString sArg = sCommand.Token(1,true).AsLower();
		if (sCmdName == "del") {
			PutModule("Deleted " + sCommand.Token(1));
		} else if (sCmdName == "get") {
			PutModule("--- End of List");
		} else if (sCmdName == "clear") {
			int i = 0;
			for (MCString::iterator it = BeginNV(); it != EndNV(); ++it) {
			PutModule(CString(i) + " entries deleted");
		} else if (sCmdName == "list") {
			for (MCString::iterator it = BeginNV(); it != EndNV(); ++it) {
				if ((it->second).AsLower().find(sArg) != CString::npos || sArg.empty())
				PutModule("\002" + it->first + "\002: " + it->second);
			PutModule("--- End of List");
		} else {
			PutModule("Commands: del <name>, get <name>, list, clear");

MODULEDEFS(CVersion, "Stores VERSION-Replies")