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Using commands/fr

From ZNC
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Les Commandes

Les commandes sont transmises à ZNC en envoyant des messages privés à l'utilisateur virtuel *status. Pareillement, pour communiquer avec les modules il faut leur envoyer des messages privés aux utilisateurs *nom_du_module.

Vous pouvez tout aussi bien utiliser /znc commande à la place de /msg *module commande.

Exemples: /msg *status listmods

<prozac> listmods
<*status> +---------+------------------------------------------------------+
<*status> | Name    | Description                                          |
<*status> +---------+------------------------------------------------------+
<*status> | email   | Monitors Email activity on local disk /var/mail/user |
<*status> | shell   | Gives shell access.                                  |
<*status> | schat   | Secure cross platform (:P) chat system               |
<*status> +---------+------------------------------------------------------+

Le préfixe des utilisateurs virtuels peut être modifié afin de remplacer le * par autre chose dans le fichier znc.conf . Il est recommandé d'utiliser des caractères interdits sur IRC pour ne pas perdre la possibilité de parler avec une personne utilisant un nom identique à celui d'un module.

Liste des Commandes

<zncuser> help
<*status> +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
<*status> | Command                | Arguments               | Description                                 |
<*status> +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------+
<*status> | Version                |                         | Prints which version of znc this is         |
<*status> | ListDCCs               |                         | List all active DCCs                        |
<*status> | ListMods               |                         | List all loaded modules                     |
<*status> | ListAvailMods          |                         | List all available modules                  |
<*status> | ListChans              |                         | List all channels                           |
<*status> | ListNicks              | <#chan>                 | List all nicks on a channel                 |
<*status> | ListServers            |                         | List all servers                            |
<*status> | AddServer              | <host> [[+]port] [pass] | Add a server to the list                    |
<*status> | RemServer              | <host>                  | Remove a server from the list               |
<*status> | Enablechan             | <#chan>                 | Enable the channel                          |
<*status> | Detach                 | <#chan>                 | Detach from the channel                     |
<*status> | Topics                 |                         | Show topics in all channels                 |
<*status> | PlayBuffer             | <#chan>                 | Play back the buffer for a given channel    |
<*status> | ClearBuffer            | <#chan>                 | Clear the buffer for a given channel        |
<*status> | ClearAllChannelBuffers |                         | Clear the channel buffers                   |
<*status> | SetBuffer              | <#chan> [linecount]     | Set the buffer count for a channel          |
<*status> | SetVHost               | <vhost (ip preferred)>  | Set the VHost for this connection           |
<*status> | ClearVHost             |                         | Clear the VHost for this connection         |
<*status> | Jump                   |                         | Jump to the next server in the list         |
<*status> | Disconnect             |                         | Disconnect from IRC                         |
<*status> | Connect                |                         | Reconnect to IRC                            |
<*status> | Send                   | <nick> <file>           | Send a shell file to a nick on IRC          |
<*status> | Get                    | <file>                  | Send a shell file to yourself               |
<*status> | LoadMod                | <module>                | Load a module                               |
<*status> | UnloadMod              | <module>                | Unload a module                             |
<*status> | ReloadMod              | <module>                | Reload a module                             |
<*status> | ShowMOTD               |                         | Show the message of the day                 |
<*status> | SetMOTD                | <Message>               | Set the message of the day                  |
<*status> | AddMOTD                | <Message>               | Append <Message> to MOTD                    |
<*status> | ClearMOTD              |                         | Clear the MOTD                              |
<*status> | Rehash                 |                         | Reload znc.conf from disk                   |
<*status> | SaveConfig             |                         | Save the current settings to disk           |
<*status> | ListUsers              |                         | List all users/clients connected to znc     |
<*status> | ListClients            | [User]                  | List all clients connected to your znc user |
<*status> | Traffic                |                         | Show basic traffic stats for all znc users  |
<*status> | Uptime                 |                         | Show how long ZNC is already running        |
<*status> | Broadcast              | [message]               | Broadcast a message to all users            |
<*status> | Shutdown               | [message]               | Shutdown znc completely                     |
<*status> | Restart                | [message]               | Restarts znc                                |
<*status> +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------+