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fish is a module that adds the ability to encrypt all your outgoing messages with the blowfish block-cipher. This way you can do the decryption/encryption on the bouncer instead of your irc client - it supports ECB and CBC mode.



This user module takes no arguments.

Read loading modules to learn more about loading modules.


Output of /msg *fish help:

| Command    | Arguments      | Description                                                                         |
| SetKey     | <target> <key> | Sets <target>'s FiSH encryption key                                                 |
| DelKey     | <target>       | Removes <target>'s FiSH encryption key                                              |
| ShowKey    | <target>       | Show the encryption key of <target>, if it has one set                              |
| ListKeys   |                | Print out all of our keys                                                           |
| SetConfig  | <name> <value> | Set config option <name> to <value>. Set option to empty if no <value> is specified |
| ListConfig |                | Print out all of our config options                                                 |
| KeyX       | <target>       | Start a key exchange with <target>                                                  |
| Help       |                | Display this message                                                                |
| Version    |                | Show the version of this module                                                     |


ZarTek-Creole Github : fish.cpp

Build with znc-buildmod fish.cpp

Security considerations

Before using this module you should consider the following:

  • If someone gets access to your bouncer box, he will obtain all your encryption keys, which can even be used to decrypt previously logged encrypted conversations. Make sure your bouncer box is secured by using firewalls, encrypted filesystems etc. Keep in mind that if you are using a Virtual Private Server (often called VServer), your hoster always has full access to your system via the hostsystem.
  • If your connection to the bouncer isn't encrypted with SSL, the whole thing is pointless, since the bouncer sends you clearly readable, unencrypted text. This gives the chance to an attacker to sniff your traffic and read conversations.
  • Keep in mind that by disregarding the security measures above, you also lower your chatting partners' security, not just your own!
  • Just turn off "prepend timestamps" Your client will decrypt it as usual after that. You can turn on "append timestamps" but mIRC fish doesn't support it,other clients do.

mIRC script menu for ZNC fish

on *:text:Target key is*:?:{
  if ($nick == *fish) && (%samkeyfish == 1) {
    set %samkeyfish 0
    .msg *fish setkey %fishput $gettok($1-,4,32)
    close -m $nick
  if ($nick == *fish) && (%nickchange == 1) {
    set %nickchange 0
    .msg *fish setkey %nickchangenewnick $gettok($1-,4,32)
    close -m $nick
  if ($nick == *fish) && (%fishshowkey == 1) {
    set %fishshowkey 0
    window -dCo +l @Blowcrypt-Key -1 -1 500 80
    aline @Blowcrypt-Key �Key for %fishcontact �:
    aline -p @Blowcrypt-Key $gettok($1-,4,32) 
    close -m $nick

on *:text:Target not found*:?:{
  if ($nick == *fish) {
    set %fishshowkey 0
    echo $color(Mode text) -atm *** FiSH: No valid key for %fishcontact found
    close -m $nick

on *:text:*:?:{
  if ($nick == *fish) && (%samkeyfish != 1) && (%fishshowkey != 1) && (%fishshowkey != 1) {
    echo $color(Mode text) -atm $1-
    close -m $nick

on *:NICK:{
  if (($nick == $me) || ($upper($newnick) == $upper($nick))) { return }
  if (($query($newnick) == $null) || (%NickTrack != [On])) { return }
  .msg *fish showkey $nick
  set %nickchange 1
  set %nickchangenewnick $newnick

alias FiSH.setkey {
  if ($1 == /query) var %cur_contact = $active
  else var %cur_contact = $1
  if ($2- == $null) return

  .msg *fish setkey %cur_contact $2-

alias FiSH.usechankey {
  set %samkeyfish 1
  .msg *fish showkey $2
  set %fishput $1

alias FiSH.showkey {
  if ($1 == /query) var %cur_contact = $active
  else var %cur_contact = $1
  set %fishshowkey 1
  set %fishcontact %cur_contact
  .msg *fish showkey %cur_contact

alias FiSH.removekey {
  if ($1 == /query) var %cur_contact = $active
  else var %cur_contact = $1
  .msg *fish delkey %cur_contact

alias keyx { .msg *fish keyx $1 }

alias FiSH.DH1080_INIT {
  if ( ($1 == /query) || ($1 == $null) ) var %cur_contact = $active
  else var %cur_contact = $1
  .msg *fish keyx $1

menu channel {
  .Show key :FiSH.showkey $chan
  .Set new key :FiSH.setkey $chan $?
  .Remove key :FiSH.removekey $chan

menu query {
  .DH1080 keyXchange: FiSH.DH1080_INIT $1
  .Show key :FiSH.showkey $1
  .Set new key :FiSH.setkey $1 $?
  .Remove key :FiSH.removekey $1

menu nicklist {
  .DH1080 keyXchange: FiSH.DH1080_INIT $1
  .Show key :FiSH.showkey $1
  .Set new key :FiSH.setkey $1 $?
  .Remove key :FiSH.removekey $1
  .Use same key as $chan :FiSH.usechankey $1 $chan

menu status,channel,nicklist,query {
  .NickTracker $+ $chr(32) $+ %NickTrack
  ...Enable :set %NickTrack [On]
  ...Disable :set %NickTrack [Off]

KVIrc script for ZNC fish

This script does a /msg *fish keyx $target everytime a query is opened on KVIrc

Go to the menu "Scripting" then "Edit Events" then right click on "OnQueryWindowCreated" and select "New Handler". Name it as you wish then add this code and click "Apply":

if(($context.networkname == "NETWORK1" || $context.networkname == "NETWORK2") && $str.left($target, 1) != "*")msg *fish keyx $target;


  • Replace NETWORK# by the name of the network you want it to be done as a default
  • $str.left($target, 1) != "*" avoids using fish with znc specific users. Replace "*" by whatever status prefix you've set in your znc configuration.


  • encrypted keydatabase (user password)